Democrats Will Fiddle With Rove While Rome Burns


Date: June 10, 2008
Location: Washington, DC


By: Chris Cannon (R-UT)

If someone came to America and only listened to Congressional Democrats for the last year, he would come away with the impression that: Katrina, illegal immigration, the declining dollar, gas prices, solar flares, Pluto losing its status as a planet, the Patriots Super Bowl loss, steroids in baseball, male pattern baldness, traffic jams, dinosaur extinction, and Brangelina is the fault of one man: Karl Rove.

In an effort to maintain this fiction, Judiciary Democrats have subpoenaed and threatened with arrest, the aforementioned apparent master of evil, Karl Rove.

What they hope the American press and public will continue to ignore are the dozens of interviews, tens of thousands of pages of documents, countless witnesses, and other material that clearly demonstrate that the evidence supporting their claims of corruption have no basis. They are simply a political slight of hand to keep a restive base happy and provide fodder for direct mail fundraising.

The Siegelman/Jill Simpson case is predicated on bold assertions of fact with little or no supporting documentation. According to John Hinderaker, writing in the Weekly Standard,

Simpson claims to have participated in a phone conversation with several Alabama Republicans in which she was made privy to a plot involving the Republican governor of Alabama, Bob Riley, a former justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, a federal judge, two United States attorneys, several assistant United States attorneys, the Air Force, and, apparently 12 jurors, to "railroad" former governor Don Siegelman into his 2006 conviction for bribery and mail fraud. Every person whose name Simpson has invoked has labeled her story a fantasy, including Siegelman.

As we have seen numerous times in this entire US Attorneys/Karl Rove saga, Judiciary Democrats won't let facts get in the way of their narrative. Just this weekend, Karl Rove, said, "I'm going to simply say what I've said before, which is I found out about Don Siegelman's investigation and indictment by reading about it in the newspaper." Jill Simpson, on the other hand, has stated that she overheard someone else saying Mr. Rove was involved. This sideshow is not even "he said, she said." It is, "he said, she said she heard he said."

Democrats reconcile themselves to the fact that they will never haul Karl Rove before the Judiciary Committee to get what they so desperately want: the picture of him with his right hand raised, taking an oath. This fight will go to the courts, where we will all waste taxpayer time and money.

In the meantime, gas will hit $5.00, the Democrat budget will raise taxes on American families, the borders will not be secure, and the entitlement budget will spiral out of control. Democrats will fiddle with Rove as Rome burns.

Come to think of it, maybe Nero got it wrong when he blamed the Christians for burning Rome. Perhaps that was Karl Rove's fault too.
